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Collection Description:
I started playing games in the early-80’s when someone lent me their Commodore 64 (I couldn't get enough of Lode Runner.), then playing Coleco and Intellivision at my friends houses. When the NES and SMS came out, i wanted a SMS because it had a the better version Ghostbusters (yeah i know.....what can I say.....I was young). The Master System was my gateway drug to all things Sega. In ’89, graduated to the Genesis w/ Space Harrier II as my first game. Then the Game Gear, Sega Cd and 32X (Virtua Racing Deluxe!!).

In '95 i jumped ship and had a long affair with the Playstation, which led of course to the Playstation 2. Then i fell off the wagon; my Segadiction returned, so i had to get a Saturn and a Dreamcast. Then I got an OG Xbox just because. Like many collectors, around 2000 i discovered what was to become the bane of my existence....Ebay. I’ve been getting retro and new games from different sources ever since.

To get my fix for newer games, i play Xbox 360, PS3,PS4 and PSVita.
At first i bought a retron5 that has died since (thank you Hyperkin...). But now im getting my freak on with a Retro Freak. I've also been picking up the odd title for NES, SNES, Famicom, Super Famicom, Mega Drive and PC-Engine.

I've taken the plunge and purchased the Polymega base unit....sooo....due to this i've added a few Mega Cd,  Japanese Sega Saturn and PC-Engine CD games.

Games look great on a shelf, but i believe that they are meant to be played, so my stock is mostly games that I've played through or had a serious go at. However, i must admit, my backlog is getting ridiculous.

Balancing my hobbies with my personal life (work, family) has kept this collection relatively small, but i intend to keep gaming for as long as i can hold a controller.


Here's what's in the console right this minute:

God of War (PS4)

Collection Stats:

Sort By:
Sega Genesis  107 (16%)
Sega Master System  75 (12%)
Sony PlayStation  66 (10%)
Microsoft Xbox 360  65 (10%)
Sony PlayStation 2  56 (9%)
Sony PlayStation 4  37 (6%)
Microsoft Xbox  26 (4%)
Sony PlayStation 3  26 (4%)
Sega Game Gear  25 (4%)
Sega Dreamcast  22 (3%)
View Complete Stats

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